I have done many jobs in my life from from the age of 7 with my newspaper route to working in a factory during graveyard shift welding refrigerator parts, a gardener at the city park, I owned a Gallery, worked as an Architect, Art Teacher, and currently as an Illustrator. All the jobs had their perks and drawbacks, but I'm a glass full sort of person so they were all pretty good:) Right now my commute is pretty nice, scenery good, and my coworker is the best. He gives me lots of kisses and knows when I need a break for a walk out in the fresh air. This fall, I just finished Illustrating a wedding invitation for a couple who are getting married in Italy in a beautiful Villa. The invitation was a fun quick job of Illustrating in ink, the front of the Villa they will get married at. It is so dreamy, I'd love to visit the Italian Villa someday. Humm, maybe a possible art retreat destination for next year?!
I'm also working on illustrating a children's book for two sisters who have taken a manuscript their mother wrote and making their mom's dream of a book come to life. I can't wait to share more about this children's book with you, but that will have to wait until we are done.
