I found a tiny little visitor who was lost in the studio. A baby Shrew. Shrews are not rodents, but are actually related to hedgehogs! While young, they travel with their family by holding on to the tail of the mama or sibling in front of them, forming a Shrew train. This little shrew must have fallen off the end and was left behind in the studio. By the time I found him, I thought he was dead and upon scooping him up to put outside, he started to move! I tucked him in my shirt and took him up to the house to find something to eat. By his nuzzling and low coordination, I assumed he must be very young and still nursing. It was late at night and all I had to give him was some warmed up cows milk. After so convincing, he started eating. He would eat, then sleep on my chest in the snuggly warmth of my robe for about a half and hour then eat again. With all the progress he seemed to make during the night, he still didn't make it through the night, poor thing. So heartbreaking.
